
I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the following individuals and groups who have supported and encouraged me on my journey to pursuing my passions in web development and design.

Past Clients

To all my past clients, thank you for trusting me with your projects and giving me the opportunity to grow and showcase my skills. Your confidence in my abilities has been a driving force in my career development.

SRJC Computer Studies Instructors

A special thanks to my college instructors who imparted invaluable knowledge and skills that have been fundamental to my success. Your guidance and dedication have been truly inspiring:

  • Ethan Wilde
  • Beaury Foshee
  • Mike Starky


To my colleagues and classmates, thank you for the camaraderie, collaboration, and shared experiences. Working and learning alongside you has been a rewarding and motivating part of my educational and professional journey.

Loved Ones

To my family and friends, your unwavering support and belief in me have been a source of strength and encouragement. I couldn’t have pursued my dreams without your love and understanding.

Your support has been instrumental in my journey, and I am deeply grateful for each and every one of you. Thank you for being a part of my story.

With Gratitude,